
Безобидный pages registration form

If you are looking for THE FASTEST WAY to reach the level cap with any class within a week, this ESO Leveling Guide by ESO Mastery Guides is a definite must have. It comes with step-by-step leveling guide, proven class builds, dungeon walkthroughs, crafting and gold making strategies and more.

Psijic Ambrosia is one of the toughest recipes of Elder Scrolls Online. It is the best and the most useful food you can craft in Provisioning. Why? Just look at the characteristics:

  • You gain 50% Experience Point bonus from all sources for 30 minutes. The timer pauses when you are offline and resumes when you return. This bonus is compatible with other foods or drinks.
  • Ingredients: Frost Mirriam, Berverz Juice, Perfect Roe
  • To Create: Requires Recipe Improvement 6, Recipe Quality 4

As you see, the potion has two amazing characteristics:

First of all it increases all received experience by 50% ! That means you can level up much faster. This potion may look useless for characters below 50th level. Advancing from 1st up to 50th level is pretty fast and you can easily do it without any experience boosters. But advancing from VR 1 up to VR 14 takes much more time… That’s why this potion is amazing. It allows you to get more experience from all sources and level up faster! It affects not only Experience but also Champion Points.

The second great characteristic of this drink is that it can be used with other food . You know that a character can benefit from only one food buff at the same time. You can’t benefit from multiple buffs. But that’s not about Psijic Ambrosia… You can use it anytime and it will not replace you primary food buff.

How to Craft?

Psijic Ambrosia can be crafted by Provisioners . You need to have Recipe Improvement Level 6 and Recipe Quality Level 4. That’s pretty high requirement so you need to level your Provisioning skill in order to be able to craft this amazing drink.

By the way, Provisioning has very good passive that makes all drink and food effects last longer. This can be great bonus. Psijic Ambrosia is very difficult to craft and extra buff duration is always great.

First of all you need to obtain Psijic Ambrosia Recipe. This is the toughest part because the recipe consists of 7 fragments. These fragments can be obtained from Daily Crafting Quests. Every day you can complete 1 Provisioning Quest and get a reward. Sometimes you will receive a part for Psijic Ambrosia Recipe, but the chances to get it are low. It may take a lot of time before you collect all the parts.

It’s recommended that you ask your friends for help. If you have familiar Provisioners, ask them to share (sell) parts of the recipes if they have them for sale. You also should help your friends if you have duplicated pieces. This will make the process faster.

Once you have all 7 parts of the recipe you can unite all of them into Psijic Ambrosia Recipe! Now you need to add it into your Recipe book and you can craft Experience Boosters! Don’t forget, that the recipe will be destroyed after you read it and learn.


You will need only 3 ingredients: Frost Mirriam , Berverz Juice . But all the ingredients are rare and are very difficult to find!

– can be obtained from fishing only! It’s the rarest ingredient. If you want to craft XP potions you will have to fish a lot! Fishing is pretty simple in general. You catch fish and then double click it to find out, what’s inside. It’s pretty much like refining ores and deconstructing items in blacksmithing. Most of the time you will receive simple ingredients for provisioning, but sooner or later you will get Perfect Roe.

You will have to catch a lot of fish in order to receive several Perfect Roes.

Tips: You can get Perfect Roe by cleaning common fish . You don’t need special bait and you don’t need to look for rare fish. Catch common fish only. You also don’t need to be in a group. Just go fishing in any water type and sooner or later you will succeed.

Frost Mirriam and Berverz Juice are also required for Psijic Ambrosia. These ingredients can be obtained from Daily Provisioning Quests. They are relatively easier to get than Perfect Roe.

After you received all the ingredients, visit Provisioning crafting station and make the potion.

As you see crafting XP Potion is a very difficult task. It will take a lot of time and to be honest not every player may want to spend this time for getting 30 minutes experience boost. Anyway, having this recipe in your Provisioning book is great.

WordPress user registration is one of the essential features every WordPress website or blog must have. Given that it’s very important for a website to grow or become successful; WordPress has provided membership/ register option by default. However, the default option is not flexible enough to allow you create an ideally beautiful and powerful user registration forms.

With the default WordPress registration option enabled, you (as a website owner) can collect username and user email address while the registered users cannot do anything much as an active user. So, WordPress professionals have come up with multiple solutions for creating easily.

And this post is a complete tutorial on creating such user registration forms/ pages, especially for beginners.

Take a look at the main contents of the article. You can click on any topic to directly skip to that section of the article.

If you are a noob, read the complete article to the end to get the complete picture.

1. What is WordPress user registration?

In the simplest terms, WordPress user registration is a very useful functionality for membership options provided in WordPress. It allows your website visitors to ‘register ‘ on your website as ‘subscribers’ or any other user roles. As a website owner, you can set what user role to provide for the ‘new registered users’.

The general logic of user registration is providing some specific space to your loyal website visitors on your website and making your site more interactive and user-friendly .

Undoubtedly, your website visitors are the most valuable assets you can have and their opinions matter the most. So, providing a separate user space to them is surely rewarding. 🙂

Through user registration, you can provide your site visitors a kind of membership to your site and also allow some certain actions (commenting on posts, contributing articles, reviews, etc.)

Besides, you can collect the user emails and send some interesting content to the registered users. It can be a simple newsletter welcoming them to your network, some discount coupon or festival offer, information about your recent product launch or anything interesting. This way, it helps to strengthen the bond between you and your site users and grow your online business.

That’s not all. It has several benefits. In the next section, I will explain more on why WordPress user registration is essential for your blog.

2. Why would you want to allow user registration on your WordPress site?

As discussed above, the most fundamental reason to allow user registration is to allow membership feature on a WordPress site. But that’s not all. You can do a lot more with virtually powerful user registration forms however such forms need to be custom created. The default options won’t let you create an ideally complete user registration forms/ pages.

Well, we will discuss how to create custom user registration forms in the following sections so let’s quickly check out what are the benefits of creating powerful user registration forms/ pages here.

i) Grow your email list and get an effective marketing tool ready:

With a well-designed and beautiful custom user-registration page, you can lure your website visitors including new visitors to ‘register’ to your site. As your email list grows, you can use it for marketing purpose. Create beautiful newsletters and send it to the registered users. You will do both reach out and promotion at the same time.

ii) Engage the users, increase interaction and plan success

An ideal user registration form not only collects user information for you, it also lets an exclusive space for the registered users. I mean user profile pages. They can create a user profile of their own, manage their details, and contribute your site in the possible ways as far as the assigned user role allows. This way, users get more engaged to your site, the interaction increases and ultimately help to your site’s success.

iii) Know your site visitors better and improve your site

With a custom user registration form, you can create multiple fields and collect more user information. Such collected information helps you to know your site visitors better, about their interests, habits and all. After knowing what attracts them most or what they don’t like on your site, you can make improvements on your site.

iv) Ideal for the guest blogging

If you want some content contributions on your site, user registration is an ideal way for doing that. You can provide ‘Contributor’ user role to the interested users through which they can submit content.

3. How to enable WordPress user registration (default)?

Done with the basics, now let’s start the steps. The most fundamental step in creating WordPress User registration forms/ pages is enabling this feature in WP settings. Though there are functional limitations, it’s essential to enable this option for creating custom user registration forms as well. In other words, you should have this ‘default feature’ enabled to have any custom plugin working.

So, let’s start with the steps.

First, go to WordPress Dashboard, and locate Settings. Go to General Settings inside Settings where you will find Membership options as shown below.

WP admin panel > Settings > General.

As shown in the image above, you must put a check on ‘Anyone can register ‘ option. Below that, you can see ‘New User Default Role’ which is ‘Subscriber’ by default. You can change it if you want. But it’s better to leave as it is as ‘Subscriber’ is taken as the best user role for new users.

Then, scroll down and click on ‘Save Changes’.

Once this option is enabled, this adds a ‘Register’ link on your WP login page (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/wp-login.php" ). You can see how the default user registration option works in the animation below.

As you can see above, now users can insert a username and an email address and register to your site. So, if you want more fields on the registration form, you need to create a custom user registration form.

Besides, there is yet another problem. To find the default registration option, users must find your WP login URL . It looks quite a boring task for the users or a difficult task if your site visitors have no idea how to find the login page.

Well, there is a way to show the ‘register’ link in the front-end of your website using ‘meta’ widget. Please, follow the given steps below to have the link on the front-end.

First, go to ‘Appearance ‘ menu in WP admin panel. Then, click on ‘Widgets ‘. Then, you can see, you can see the list of all the available WordPress widgets including ‘Meta ‘ widget. Locate Meta widget.

WP admin panel > Appearance > Widgets.

Next, drag and drop the widget in the widget-ready areas on your WordPress site.

Now you can go your website front-end like in the image below. You can see Meta content on your site now (in the footer as I placed the widget on the footer).

Well, you can display the register link on your front-end website however it will ultimately redirect you to the WordPress login page with the basic registration form.

So, the next section will take you in a full tutorial how to create a beautiful and feature-rich custom user registration form.

4. How to create custom user registration forms/ pages beautifully on WordPress?

Thanks to the WordPress enthusiasts around the world who have given easy solutions to every WordPress problems. Like anything, there are plenty of which enable you to create beautiful WordPress user registration forms.

Among numerous plugins available on the web, we have chosen the best WordPress user registration plugin ‘User Registration ‘ here.

It is an amazing free drag and drop registration form builder for WordPress . It is not just a registration plugin but also a WordPress profile builder that enables the users to create and manage their user profile in a simple and beautiful way on your site. Most noteworthy, it is highly user-friendly and simple.

Now, we will discuss how to create elegant front-end custom user registration forms using this plugin.

First, install the plugin. To install the plugin, go to ‘Plugins’ and ‘Add New’. Then search ‘User Registration ‘. The plugin can be directly installed from official WordPress repository.

Once the results appear, locate ‘User Registration’ by WPEverest and click on ‘Install Now’ .

WP admin panel > Plugins > Add New.

Next, you have to activate the plugin. Click on ‘Activate ‘ button.

Following this, you will be redirected to Plugins page where you can see a ‘Welcome’ message from User Registration plugin. As shown in the image below, you can see two buttons: ‘Install User Registration Pages ‘ and ‘Skip Setup’ .

The first button takes you to the automatic plugin setup process including the installation of two sample user registration pages offered by the plugin. It further takes you step-by-step to the plugin settings and creating user registration pages . You can click on this first button if you want an easy way to configure the plugin.

If you click on the ‘Skip Setup ‘, you need to explore the plugin settings and features one-by-one manually.

Let’s take an easy way by clicking on the first button. Then, it will redirect you to the plugin Settings page as shown in the image below.

A. User Registration Plugin Settings

The General Options has a number of major plugin settings.

  • Default user role: You can choose the default user role as ‘Subscriber’ or ‘Contributor’, or ‘Author’ or ‘Editor’ or ‘Administrator’. The subscriber is usually used for the new users.
  • User login option: There are three user login options: 1. Manual login after registration. 2. Auto login after registration. 3. Admin approval after registration.
  • Redirect URL: You can enter the redirect path after the successful user registration on this field here. For example: http://www.yoursite.com/my-account
  • Registration URL: You can enter user registration page URL here. For example: www.yoursite.com/registration-page
  • Prevent dashboard access: You can choose the user roles to prevent dashboard access from here.
  • Enable strong password : This option when enabled helps your site users choose a strong password during the registration process.
  • Form submit button label : Form submit button label is ‘Submit’ by default which you can change into ‘Register’.

The other section is ‘My account endpoints’ . You can change the specific page URL endpoints from this option. Or you can simply save the default endpoints.

Another tab in plugin settings is ‘Integration ‘.

You can insert Google reCAPTCHA site key and secret key from here. Adding Google reCAPTCHA helps you prevent spammy non-human bots to enter your website.

You are almost done with the plugin configuration settings. Now you can start creating custom user registration pages. But before that, you may like to check out sample registration pages added through the automatic setup process.

Go to All Pages in Pages menu in WP Dashboard. There you will see two pages ‘My Account’ and ‘Registration’ added by the plugin automatically (through automatic setup process).

WP admin panel > Pages > All Pages.

In order to check how the sample pages look, you can simply click on ‘View ‘ link below the page.

Here is how the default registration form looks with the Twenty Seventeen theme. The design of the registration form usually depends on the theme active on your site.

You can simply use the default user registration form and page on your WP site if you want something simple. If you want multiple fields and more options, you must create a form on your own. So, let’s start how to create a custom user registration form using this plugin.

B. Creating User Registration Forms

In order to create a new custom user registration form, you need to go to ‘Add New’ in User Registration in WP admin panel. User Registration plugin provides a highly intuitive, clean and user-friendly interface for creating new forms.

WP admin panel > User Registration > Add New.

Now, you can see a page like in the image below.

First, give a name to your new form (e.g. User Registration).

To the left, you can Default User Fields and Extra Fields . And, there is drag and drop form editor to the right part of the page.

Now you can simply drag and drop the required fields to the form editor as the complete interface is drag and drop platform.

Once you add all required fields, you can simply click on Create Form button.

Then, the plugin will provide a form shortcode.

Now you can use the shortcode anywhere in your website and display the form you just created.

C. Creating multi-column multi-row grid-like forms

The plugin is full of amazing features including an ability to create grid-like multi-column multi-row registration forms. You can create a form with maximum 3 columns and unlimited rows .

To add columns, you can simply click the arrow (3/3) shown at the top of every row.

To add rows, you can simply click on the + (plus) button shown after the last row.

You can use the Default Fields only once one form while extra fields can be used as many times as you like.

Here is the front-end preview of the User Registration form in Twenty Seventeen theme.

It looks simple and elegant, doesn’t it?

D. Exploring the Field Options

In addition to extensive form settings, the plugin allows plenty of field options for each field.

In order to customize one field, you must select it by clicking. Once it is selected, the new tab ‘Field Options ‘ will open where you can edit the details.

Once you change all the field details, you can click on Update form .

E. How and where to display new user registration form?

Now we have the new user registration form ready. We have the shortcode, so what’s next. Here, we’ll discuss how and where to display the form.

Since the plugin uses shortcode method, you can easily use it anywhere including widget areas, pages, and posts.

In order to show the plugin in a post/ page, you need to open the post/ page editor.

WP admin panel > Pages > Add New

WP admin panel > Posts > Add New

In the post/page editor, you can see a new button ‘Add Registration Form’ added next to media button.

You can simply click on the button and select the form you want to add on that page.

Click on ‘Add Form’. And publish the page. Now you can add the page anywhere in your website menus, custom menu, or widget areas.

5. Wrapping Up

In this post, I have tried to explain everything you should know about WP user registration. Hopefully, it was helpful.

If you still have any queries, questions or anything, feel free to write them down below in the comment box.

Sunita Rai

Sunita is a WordPress lover, digital marketing, SEO, and blogging enthusiast. She has appeared on ThemeGrill blog, WPAll, and multiple websites. She loves doing research, writing, travel, music and exploring life. She is a passionate learner and dreamer. Follow her on

With the revolution in the concept of web page design and maintaining, to develop a closer relationship with one visiting your page is important. The viewer may be in need of using it other times, on the other hand you get active visitors for your web page. Here the concept of sign in form and registration form pups up. Firstly, after having a look over the importance, we will approach with better way to insert some Beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form over your web page.

While surfing over internet, you come across the ready to use sign up forms. These forms ask the details of user like name, address, email Id, Photo, gender, job including biography. The sign up forms includes username and password as basic elements. Some of these components may vary as per the form you select but basic idea is to verify the identity of your user and develop better link with them.

Beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form

Among many HTML, CSS forms over internet we have listed down some best one in terms of their compatibility, flexibility and space occupied. These will be of great help for you.

This full page, responsive CodePen is the creation of Dany Santos. The login forms only contain email and password whereas sign in form contains email, username and password. In addition these components only appear once you choose whether to log in or sign up. With the background animation this one looks attractive.

Similar to the first one this is also the CodePen by Eric whereas the component of forms is also similar. But, here the component appears in the same page so you don’t have to initially select to view the components. But admit the fact that with the plain background this one is less attractive but is flexible and light weighted.

This is simple looking registration form including plenty of examples. It is easily compatible with windows and androids as well. Moreover, designers himself have separated the forms in different categories like mini, labels in top, validity and so on. This is interactive and user friendly form example by tutorialzine.
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Jose Carnerioover made this simple and light weighted form by Jose over CodePen featuring to collect large number of information. It includes gender, date of birth and payment option including credit card number beside the basic one i.e. email and password. So this is best designed for online shopping and marketing.
Code and Demo

This compatible user friendly code for sign in and sign up form is the design of Josh Sorosky. It has a simple look and coded with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Sign up Screen Animation only contain the basic things like username and password including email for sign up form.
Code and Demo

This attractive and beautiful log in and registration form is the creation of Grandvincvcent Marion. With the beautiful background picture and just basic component on forms this is actually popular with thousands of views. This is well flexible allowing easy modification and is a attractive one.

Material design log in sin up form is simple and extremely light weighted form by Brawada over CodePen. This composes of HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes and looks simple and beautiful. It just includes the basic component of forms and uses less space of your web page.
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This is interactive, beautiful code by Kyle Lavery. Its simplicity makes it popular with, many thousand of view. Furthermore material Design Signup Interaction contains just basic component of forms but you can easily add up newer one as this is highly flexible. This is simple registration form over CodePen.
Code and Demo

Martin Machycek is popular developer in CodePen. He designed this very simple and good looking sign up and login form through HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In addition it is compatible and light weighted which is the best aspect of this form. It just included email and Password so better useful for simple WebPages then commercial one.
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Sign in and Sign up – Single Form

This is interactive light weighted sign in and sign up forms by Dany Santos over CodePen. It is simple with just email and password so not well designed for commercial purpose. Because of its less weight and simple nature it has collected few thousand of view making it the attractive one.

This is interactive sign up form by Matthew Largent. Not only email and password but it also includes other personal information like age interest and biography. So this is useful for commercial sites and job searching sites. Moreover it has only HTML and CSS code, however is the useful one.
Code and Demo

This is the attractive sign up form by Kov Jonas. Moreover it provides with easy linkage with social media used by viewers. Furthermore this facility makes a frequent link u with viewers and furthermore even helps in advertisement of pages over social media. With the beautiful background image in addition to flexibility, it is well preferred.
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This is extremely simple and light login form coded with HTML5 and CSS3. This is design of Aigars Silkans. It only included username and password so best designed for informative personal blogs and small websites. Fact that this has maximum number of views unlike some other CodePen is convincing.
Live Demo and Code

This beautiful sign up form is the creation of Momciloo Popov. Along with the simple components of a form it furthermore has an image side by that moves with the touch. It included all HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes.

Last but not the least, Sign up Daily UI is best login form for mobile phone by Gabrielle wee over CodePen. Moreover, it looks attractive with the background image and animation can easily replace that image. It just includes name, email and password.

Initially we know, among many aspects of your web page, registration and sign up follows the first order. This creates the profile of each user and moreover leads to better user management systems. In the first pace, HTML is the building block of everything and CSS makes things look attractive. So, HTML and CSS sums up making a beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form for your web page.